Privacy Policy


Effective Date: August 4, 2024



Stacie Barber Lifestyle (hereinafter “we,” “our,” “us”) is committed to protecting your privacy and maintaining a quality online experience for our website viewers. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, handle, store, and protect personal information about you as a visitor and/or user of our website; your rights in relation to your personal information; and how you can contact us and supervisory authorities in the event you have questions about how we handle your personal information.


Privacy Policy Consent

Please read this Privacy Policy carefully and in its entirety before using Stacie Barber Lifestyle. By accessing and using our website, products, and services, including courses and programs through Kajabi, you agree to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy, regardless of whether you have read it.


Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)

This website and any products and services offered herein are not intended for persons under the age of 18. We prohibit children under the age of 18 from using any and all interactive portions of this website. A child’s parent or guardian should contact us if we have inadvertently collected any information from a child under 18, so we may delete it.


Personal Information We Collect

The type of personal information we collect depends on how you are interacting with us:

  • Directly from You: Name, email address, payment information, comments, feedback, questions, and other information you provide.
  • Automatically: Usage data such as IP address, browser type, pages visited, interactions with emails.


How We Use the Information You Provide/Lawful Basis

We process personal information about you:

  • To perform a contract or agreement
  • With your consent
  • For our legitimate interests
  • To comply with the law
  • To protect someone’s life
  • For a public task

We will not sell or trade your personal information. We may transfer your personal information to a third party if necessary for legal obligations, dispute resolutions, or enforcing agreements.


Use of Cookies

“Cookies” are small text files placed on your device to collect information and identify users. We use necessary cookies for website functionality. You can manage cookies through your browser settings, but disabling cookies may affect website performance.


“Do Not Track” (DNT) Signals

We do not currently alter our practices in response to DNT signals due to the lack of a common industry interpretation.


How the Information is Shared and Stored

We share information with third-party service providers to process transactions, fulfill requests, and maintain our services. Current third-party service providers include:

  • Satori (coaching platform)
  • PayPal and Stripe (payment services)
  • Kajabi (email, website, course and program platform)


Information Retention

We retain personal information for as long as necessary to fulfill transactions, comply with legal obligations, resolve disputes, and enforce agreements.


Information Protection and Security

We use commercially acceptable security measures to protect your personal information. Our website uses SSL certificates for secure transactions. We will notify you of any data breaches when legally required.


Your Rights to Control Your Information

You can unsubscribe from our communications at any time. If you are covered by CCPA or GDPR, you have additional rights outlined in the full policy text.


Contact Us

For any questions, comments, complaints, or suggestions about our data protection practices, please contact us at:

  • Phone: 828-773-4051
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Mailing Address: 441 Cheves Dr., Charleston, SC 29412


Changes to this Privacy Notice

This policy is effective as of August 4, 2024. We may change, modify, or update this Privacy Policy at any time and will notify you of any such changes by email and/or by a prominent notice on our website.