For the woman who is desiring individualized support + self-discovery, personal development + a more multidimensional understanding of herself

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You feel overwhelmed and like someone else is at the wheel of your life.

You're aware that you aren't living up to your highest potential, but you don't know where to start.

You've tried to make a change and make things happen on your own, but end up feeling frustrated and defeated.

You've tried everything you know how to do, but nothing seems to be working...

You're SO ready to start living the life you know you so deeply deserve + were truly meant to experience in this lifetime 

You're craving...

  • Massive Transformation in all areas of life
  • Clarity around  the old patterns and conditioned beliefs that are keeping you stuck
  • A high impact experience that helps you get crystal clear on what's working + what is not
  • A Sacred, Supportive Container in which you can grow, expand, re-enliven and re-connect with your true essence, wisdom + purpose

We are always evolving + transforming + becoming – life is never standing still or static.

We can either prolong the process of healing + living our fullest radiance or we can stop waiting and choose it NOW.

Our default mode is always thinking there’s tomorrow, or next week, or next month, or next year.

But true joy and freedom happen when we stop postponing action and saying no to ourselves + yes to everyone and everything else, and instead actively choose to prioritize ourselves + our growth.

And when we do, everything else becomes clearer, lighter, easier.

All you have to do, is CHOOSE YOURSELF.

The intuitive guidance, support + mentorship you receive will  help you optimize the flow and harmony of your entire life and all that you do. 


Wondering what's included?

Depending upon your unique needs, goals + intentions for our time together,
I’ll draw on my varied tool belt of skills and offerings.


→ Two or Three (determined during clarity call) 60 min 1:1 Deeply Targeted, Aligned + Intuitive Mentorship Calls monthly with Stacie

→ Voxer Support, Care and Check-In's

→ Personalized Human Design chart reading to better understand how to be effective with your energy in all you do

→ Mindset + Wellness Coaching to set you up for success and better understand the mind/body connection in every area of your life

→ Customized EFT routines

→Hypnosis to disrupt the subconscious conditions + patterning

→ Immediate Admission into my "The Sisterhood Community" program for additional Support

→ Resources and trainings provided throughout the program in order to take your success and growth to the next level by tapping into and unlocking the power of your Subconscious Mind

I believe in the beauty and exquisite uniqueness that each and every soul is sharing in this human experience. I believe in the power of transparency and uncovered truth. I believe in the power of the human spirit and the drive it provides. I believe in the power of sisterhood, intentional choice and united deep healing. I believe in the power of bringing light to the shadows, opening our hearts to see and then holding ourselves and others in powerful compassion and tenderness. I believe in the power of finding our calling, finding the thing that creates such a zest for life that it fills you up so that you can show up as your true authentic self.

What I've found to be true about hearing other women's stories of challenge + triumph is that within each woman's story, there is an aspect and a reflection of our own. This is the power of being in sisterhood - seeing ourselves reflected through one another and learning more about ourselves through learning more about each other. When we realize we aren't alone or "outside" as we FEEL at times, alignment clicks in and we can suddenly SEE what's actually possible for us. Beneath all the discomfort, our desires are rooted. Our work is the uncovering. This is my story of remembering my own roots, and architecting the life and work I'm here to contribute in a non-linear, unconventional, totally ME way.


"One of the greatest gifts Stacie gave me was helping me to reclaim the woman I was, and the women I've become!"

What a gift it has been getting to know Stacie! She is an incredible woman filled with so much love and light, and it’s been truly an honor to not only work with her, but to know that women like her exist.
My work with Stacie ended up being so much more than I expected. By nature, I’m a perpetual learner and seeker, and it was in that vein that I was drawn to work with her. We had an instant connection and I could tell immediately that there were parts of herself that she could impart to me, to help facilitate my own growth. One of the greatest gifts Stacie gave me was helping me to reclaim the woman I was (prior to motherhood), and the woman I’ve become, by guiding me to seek joy, being unapologetic in what that looks like, and in doing so helping me move from my head to my heart. She is truly a gem, and I’m so grateful for my time spent with her!
~ Zari

Are you ready to make the most important investment in yourself, your growth, and your life?

“When you come to the edge of all the light you have, and must take a step into the darkness of the unknown, believe that one of two things will happen. Either there will be something solid for you to stand on - or you will be taught how to fly.”

― Patrick Overton
     Let's fly together!


I cannot tell you how deeply honored I am to walk along beside you in this journey of self - exploration and discovery. Your soul is calling you near and relishing in the bounty of deep healing, alignment and transformation that you are getting ready to embark upon. This work lights my soul on fire and fuels the vibration of my inner knowings... let's do this beautiful dance of life hand in hand as we surrender the outcome and wait for the pure MAGIC to occur!