A Re-Childing Workshop To uncover that true part
of you that has been lost

What if you could learn how to reconnect to the child-like joy within you — and use it as a tool toward personal fulfillment and happiness?

How much of a difference would it make if you felt truly connected to every part of yourself? How would it feel to experience more joy in every aspect of your life? To feel empowered and inspired?

What would it be like to know that the part of you was there to connect to whenever you needed it?

Learning to reconnect to that inner child and allow her to help guide you toward growth, joy, and fulfillment can not only positively affect your sense of self.

But your entire life.

Our inner child is the original or true self that may have been covered up by childhood experiences. It’s the child within us — who we once were.

It’s who we were — and still are — to our core.

I like to think of it as our childlike spirit — our curiosity, joy, and wonder.

As you grow up, your inner child holds on to your emotions, memories, beliefs, and experiences — even if you can’t yet fully process them.

Sometimes, those emotions and experiences can cause us to shut down the parts of ourselves that made us “hard” to handle, or to become who someone else wanted us to be.

We end up dulling our sparkle.

And we NEED our sparkle.

Whatever you’ve experienced— your inner child has taken it all in and has held onto your sparkle for you.

By reconnecting to your inner child, it gives them room to shine as you rediscover your core being— together. To see that trusting, creative, curious, passionate, playful, enthusiastic, spontaneous, and sensitive inner self with a fresh sense of wonder and aliveness.

To REchild ourselves.

To uncover that true part of you that has been lost

Join us for our next
REChilding Soul Circle

July 12, 2023

The thing is, as an adult, you’ve got a lot going on in your life.


You’re trying to stay on top of things, keep up appearances, and make everyone around you happy… and that’s just at home! 

At the same time, you’re doing all of this while trying to maintain who you are now. Who you are as the adult version of you. It's a lot for anyone to handle — and you deserve some time to yourself. 

As women, putting ourselves first is something we all struggle with — even as we face challenges every single day in our personal, professional, and romantic lives. 
We’re told we’re too much, or not enough. We feel guilty when we take time for ourselves. We’re constantly being told what’s wrong with the way we look and act, and what we ‘should’ be doing for our loved ones. We’re told we need to get married or have children to be “whole”. To keep quiet and be agreeable.
We live in a world that tells us as women: 

We need to be seen, not heard
We need to act like a lady 
We need to take care of everyone else first — always putting ourselves last
We need to mind our manners
We need to be polite, and respectful and follow the rules
We need to be good girls

Well, I call bullshit on all of that! 

All that is meant to do is keep us: quiet, small, hidden, unnoticed, unhappy, unfulfilled, depleted, and exhausted.  

We need to let go of this old narrative and create something beautiful, wild, and new. To forge our own paths, not the conventional one society has laid before us.
What would it feel like to be heard, take up space, be seen, noticed, happy, fulfilled, and energized? 

Imagine yourself…

Reconnecting to passions, dreams, and talents you may have forgotten or set aside

Experiencing an increase in self-esteem, confidence, awareness, and compassion

Moving towards wholeness and authenticity

Returned sense of child-like wonder

Finding deep and true healing

Freeing the part of you that’s wild, playful, loving, spontaneous, and creative

It’s time to rediscover and reintegrate the parts of you that have been missing. 

You work hard in your life. You give everything you’ve got to everyone else in your life. Don’t you deserve the same?

Get ready to… 


the pure joy, curiosity, and wonder you inhabited as a child.



Who you are at a soul level before the world told you that you needed to be something different.



The lightness of heart that you once knew… allowing the light back into your soul.


In each of us lives a gentle, curious, rambunctious, and wonder-eyed little girl — who is PURE MAGIC! 

Because that little girl within you — with all of her magic – is begging you to let her take a place in your life today. 

Connecting to your inner child is an essential part of living an authentic life.

It’s time we stop forgetting her.

ON JULY 12, 2023 6-7:30PM

Sign Up Here!

A REchilding Soul Circle to help reconnect you to the wildflower that you are.

To re-discover the lightness of heart, pure joy, curiosity, and wonder you inhabited as a child.

To remember who you are at a soul level before the world told you you needed to be someone different.

In this soul circle, we’ll reconnect to that innermost part of ourselves and learn to allow our inner child to take a permanent place in our lives. To fully experience the magic that happens when we rediscover who we are at our soul level.

We’ll do this by gathering together with other like-minded women to rediscover and reintegrate the parts of ourselves that we can no longer live without. A space for you to reconnect your child-like spirit and remember who you are.


It’s time to…

Begin the healing work that will create a deep transformation in your life.

Reclaim the power and energy that is rightfully yours so you can use it to be more for yourself — and those around you.

Open up, be heard, be seen, and talk about things in your life where other people see your true self — because they understand this part of you.

We need to take the time to fuel our bodies and psyches as women before we can put any energy into our families and homes and businesses. We have to come first. We need to take care of our bodies, minds, and spirits.

When we take care of ourselves first, so that we can pour from an overflowing cup — and do the work we’re meant to do in the world.

This soul circle will offer you an experience that will encourage and accept you to be exactly who you are — and know that your life will be all the better for it.

You know there are things that have happened in your past that you’ve avoided, never had the space/time/tools to fully process, or feel shut down around...

You’re ready to move through your past + lessen the burden of your past onto your present and future moments.

"What the caterpillar calls the end, the master calls the butterfly" ~ RUMI

Hi, I’m Stacie — An Integrative Lifestyle Coach, Business Owner, Wife, and Mother

And I’m in love with helping people step into their unique power so they can live the life they deserve.

I care about helping others create a life they love as much as I care about my own. I believe in the power and promise of reconnecting to the inner child. I know how powerful that joyful and childlike part of ourselves can be.

I know what it’s like to feel disconnected from it.

REchilding is a practice I’ve been working through my entire life. It has saved me and brought me back to myself over and over and over again.

I want to help you learn how to overcome what’s holding you back in your life. To feel empowered, supported, accepted, and inspired. To help those who are hiding a part of themselves, or need inner child healing.

I see your light sister — I see your light. Shine on, shine on, we need you

Will you join me on this very very important journey?