12 Divine Universal Laws

12 Divine Universal Laws

lifestyle mindset Mar 29, 2021

Are you interested in living a more spiritually aligned and fulfilling life?


The 12 Divine Laws of the Universe might just be the key to unlock that door.


What are Universal Laws anyway?

They are thought to be deeply embedded, unchanging laws that ancient cultures have always known. Ancient Hawaiian and Egyptian cultures are some of the many that acknowledge and attribute the power of these unwavering laws of our Universe.

Spiritual author, Shannon Kaiser explains that "all of the laws are about mastering your life with love and joy."


1. Law of Divine Oneness

This law essentially brings light to the reality the interconnectedness of all things. The idea of "we're all in this together" rings true. Knowing that each thought and action that you personally put out into the world will indeed affect the whole. This law reminds each of us that we are all created from source, and therefore more alike than we are different, which allows the lens of love and compassion to come in.


2. Law of Vibration

Everything in life is energy. Everything. And energy carries a very specific frequency, otherwise known as vibration. "This law states that our vibrational frequency can inform our lived experience" states Kaiser. If you find yourself in a low vibe state it is a very powerful practice to be able to raise your energy, and therefore your vibration, doing something that makes you FEEL GOOD!


3. Law of Correspondence

This law states that what we see happening in the world around us is in fact a mirror to what is occurring inside of us at that moment. What do you do if you don't like what you see? As Nelson Mandela proclaimed, "Be the change you want to see." Think about ways in which you can activate more of what you are desiring within and always look for the lesson within each moment of struggle or strife.


4. Law of Attraction

Clearly the most considered and highlighted law of all, this law simply states that your energy flows where you focus goes. What you think about is what you get. The power of manifestation in it's most raw version. Everything we are thinking about, saying and believing is essentially like an order that we are putting in for the Universe to place. Therefore, it is so important to focus on and consider all the things you DO want vs. those that you don't... because you will get what you are thinking about.


5. Law of Inspired Action

This law is all about taking aligned, actionable steps to invite in more of what we want in our lives. Inspired action is that gut feeling, the internal compass or nudge that is always leading us in our called direction. This law is all about surrender and trust that the Universe always has our best interest at heart and is ALWAYS leading us towards our personal version of greatness. Being open to the path that we are being shown isn't always easy but necessary for a deeply fulfilling life.


6. Law of Perpetual Transmutation of Energy

As mentioned before, everything is energy, and this law states that on an energetic level everything in the Universe is ever changing, evolving and shifting.... never still. This law truly highlights the power of our personal energy, or vibration, levels. Different emotional states correlate with different levels of vibrational energy and the higher frequencies overpower the lower ones when done so with intention.


7. Law of Cause and Effect

Simply stated, each action creates a reaction, otherwise known as an effect. This law reminds us of the importance of 'being at cause' in our lives and taking responsibility for our actions at any given moment. What you put out is what you're going to receive in some way, shape or form.


8. Law of Compensation

This law confirms that 'you reap what you sow.' It states that your efforts will always come back to you in positive form so long as you are contributing to the higher calling or goal. If you are seeking more of something in your life, first ask how you can provide that for someone or something else.


9. Law of Relativity

This law instills the presence of relativism in all things, meaning that in the end the meaning of something is only created through our personal perspective and perception. It states that everything that exists and that is happening in our world is neutral. It debunks the tendency to compare ourselves, our lives and our things to anyone else's, because in reality, they are all neutral... it's our perspective of what is real that counts.


10. Law of Polarity

This law states that everything in life has an opposite, and at any moment this truth can be utilized towards your good. It's a beautiful practice to tune into what the opposite of a situation might look or feel like, which often times allows a new lens or perspective to be adopted. If you and your spouse are arguing and fighting and there is a lot of anger and fear present, remind yourself of the love and affection that was part of your relationship (acknowledging the opposite) and call more of that into your life.


11. Law of Rhythm

This law states that in all things in life their are seasons. Seasons to grow, seasons to rest, seasons to explore, seasons to nest, seasons to expand, seasons to soften and settle. In nature there is rhythm in all things. Think of the rise and fall of the ocean tide and the natural flow of the seasons of winter, spring, summer and fall. It is important to bring awareness to and gratitude towards the ever changing seasons of our lives, vs resisting them, in order to live a life of presence and joy.


12. Law of Gender

This divine law states that in all living beings there is a masculine and a feminine presence. Being able to tap into and harness the power of each is extremely important for internal balance and health. In modern society we tend to move, breath and exist in a more masculine domain... attempting to control, push through and force certain things to occur in our lives. This way of being very often leads to burnout, disease in the body and overall dissatisfaction with life. If we can begin to allow the more feminine qualities, such as surrender, trust, ease and flow, into our lives the sense of balance achieved is undeniable.

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