
lifestyle mindset Oct 19, 2020

What is Ho’oponopono and how can it be practiced in 4 simple steps?

Ho’oponopono is a powerful Hawaiian prayer for purifying one’s body and getting rid of bad memories or feelings that hold the mind in a negative frame.

What is ho’oponopono?

The word “ho’o” means “cause” in Hawaiian, while “ponopono” means “perfection”.

The term “ho’oponopono” can be translated as “correct a mistake” or “make it right”.

Have you heard of Ho’oponopono and the Hawaiian therapist who cured an entire ward of criminally insane patients, without ever meeting any of them or spending a moment in the same room?

The term ho’oponopono became known from an extraordinary life lived by therapist and teacher, Ihaleakala Hew Len.

While analyzing each patient’s records, Len applied the ho’oponopono technique, and it drastically changed his mood. He came to find out that the the mental activity of the detainees also changed simultaneously. The results were so surprising that, in short, it can be said that Len was able to heal the prisoners as he was healing himself.


Incredible Reflection: He was able to heal others as he was healing himself!

So how does this technique work?


The technique assumes that what we consider “reality” is experienced individually by our mind, which falls directly in line with NLP techniques and truths.


Everything we experience to be TRUE in our life is a direct culmination of the way we feel, see and interact with the world before us. Our internal representation is made up via 'our window to the world.'


Everything around you involves your participation, and you are responsible for what you think, feel, the decisions you make and the way in which you live day to day.

Have you ever noticed that we can often be our worst enemies? This is because each thought can activate a mechanism that recreates a world of problems.

The main purpose of ho’oponopono is to seek the cure of these problems through forgiveness. Not necessarily the forgiveness of others, but that of oneself.


This is done with the understanding that what happens to you doesn’t matter, but what you do with what happened is what really matters. If your mind and thoughts have caused you problems, they are also able to solve them.

The traditional version of ho’oponopono consists of four main phrases:
1. I’m sorry
2. Please forgive me.
3. Thank you.
4. I love you.

Sounds simple right? Yes, it is, but also deeply profound and life-altering.


There are four simple steps to this method, and the order is not that important. Repentance, Forgiveness, Gratitude and Love are the only forces at work – but these forces have amazing power.

Repentance – I’M SORRY

“I realize that I am responsible for the ..... in my life and I am deeply sorry that I have caused this.” Taking 100% responsibility for ourselves, including our actions and our beliefs.

Ask Forgiveness – PLEASE FORGIVE ME

It doesn't matter who you are asking, that's besides the point, simply ask! PLEASE FORGIVE ME. Say it over and over. Mean it. Remember your remorse from step 1 as you ask to be forgiven.

Gratitude – THANK YOU

Say “THANK YOU” – again it doesn’t really matter who or what you’re thanking. Thank your body for all it does for you. Thank yourself for being the best you can be. Thank God. Thank the Universe. Thank whatever it was that just forgave you. Just keep saying THANK YOU.


This can also be step 1. Say I LOVE YOU. Say it to your body, say it to your higher power and guardian angels. Say I LOVE YOU to the air you breathe, to the house that shelters you. Say I LOVE YOU to your challenges. Say it over and over. Mean it. Feel it. There is nothing as powerful as Love. 

That’s it. The whole practice in a nutshell. Simple and amazingly effective.

Try it out in your life and see how amazing shifts begin to occur!


More information on Ho’oponopono here.

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