How the Power of Choice Can Create Your Desired Reality
Jul 06, 2022Every day we make countless choices and decisions.
This act of making a choice… seems simple doesn’t it?
As human beings, this is an exceptional ability that we have.
With this ability, we’re able to choose one path or another. By making these daily choices in our lives we can really start to forge the path to create the life we want to create.
We actually get to choose the thoughts we think which in turn determines our inner world, our actions, and the life we experience.
That is what creating your own reality means.
The responsibility is yours!
The Power of Choice in Life: Creating Your Own Reality
The word choice is defined as the “opportunity or power to choose between two or more possibilities”. It’s the opportunity or power to make a decision.
The choices we make every day can either be a catalyst for change in our lives or keep us stuck. We need to take responsibility for ourselves and what our life looks like from one moment to the next.
Because the world doesn’t control how you respond to what happens.
Your thoughts and actions are only under your control. We can’t control some of the things that happen in our lives and we can’t control how other people respond to our reactions. But we can control how we respond to what happens to us, and the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors we feel.
And these responses can determine the entire path and quality of our lives.
When we can’t control things that happen to us, it’s easy to focus on feeling powerless. Especially when it’s negative or difficult.
This isn’t to say that since you create your own reality, and if something negative happens to you, it must be your fault. Some things are simply out of our control. Some people are born with certain privileges in life, other people control some of our decisions, and others face hardships that some of us will never experience and know nothing about.
But we do have power over some aspects of our life. Denying the idea that our thoughts create our reality is denying our power.
You help create your reality whether you’re conscious of it or not.
When you deny this, you take away your power and can make you feel like you’re a victim in your life. But with awareness of this comes choice. When you start to become aware of this process, you can begin to make it work for you and empower yourself to become in charge of the life you want to create.
It’s such a liberating concept, right?
The Decision-Making Process: Intentional Choice
The decision-making process involves a combination of intuition and rational thinking. We have two different thinking systems — or two different ways of thinking.
One system involves our emotions and intuition. Developed during early evolution, it allowed us to make quick decisions and react appropriately in stressful situations. This is our fight or flight response. While it may be quite necessary for certain situations, an overactive system that constantly stimulates our stress response can negatively affect our mental and physical well-being.
The other thinking system involves our rational, logical, and critical thinking. It takes a variety of other factors into account and helps us make the best decision based on these factors.
Our decisions can be heavily influenced by our beliefs, opinions, memories, and emotions. What makes us unique as humans, is our ability to think rationally and make conscious choices. We’re able to overcome our initial instincts, impulses, and desires by making mindful choices about who we want to be, how we want to act, and what our values are.
When you experience an event in your life, ask yourself:
- How will I respond to this?
- How will I see myself and other people as a result of this event?
- How will I behave?
- What will I focus on and where will I direct my energy?
- Does my response lead to my empowerment?
- What does choice mean to me?
- Do I realize the power that my choice holds?
- How can my relationship with choice start to shift today?
Regular self-reflection of where you are in the moment can be a healthy practice to implement in your life. Reflecting on where you are emotionally is important for self-awareness, self-care, and growth. It helps you stay in tune with yourself and helps you decide how you will behave or react to something.
Take a moment to consider if you’re in a space of making intentional choices. Or do you find yourself more on autopilot more times than not? I know I find myself going back to old ways of being when things get tough or when I feel like things are not going my way. There are moments when I have to sit in that space and ask: what is coming up for me right now? Do I choose this? Can I choose to move forward from space from where I stand today?
Our emotions can often overpower rational thought. Our automatic thoughts and habits determine the large majority of our lives. And this can be a great way to save energy for things that don’t require much thought.
But some actions and decisions require this intention.
Our rational thinking system can be a guide to our emotional one.
How to Achieve the Life of Your Dreams: Re-Writing Your Story
Your thoughts become your truth which become your beliefs. Especially if they’re thoughts you repeat to yourself on a daily basis.
These beliefs determine your self-image.
Your self-image consists of “I am” beliefs — who you are now — and “I can” beliefs — who you are capable of becoming. You create your own stories about who you are and you tell yourself and other people these stories all day long.
You’re the star of your story and you write this story yourself.
The story you write is made up of what you think is possible — or what you expect will happen based on what you believe is true about yourself and the world around you. Your actions line up with those beliefs. When you react to an experience before the event actually takes place, you share the responsibility of creating your entire experience.
Because what we focus on expands.
It becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
To redirect this energy, you can start by choosing to create a new belief that you — and only you — are accountable for your thoughts and actions. This can be the catalyst for real change. Because It’s up to you to make the necessary changes you need to create and to take responsibility for what happens to you in your life.
When we find ourselves in this place, it can be helpful to ask yourself:
- Can what happens to me be a catalyst for how I want to be in my life?
- How am I moving forward?
- How am I choosing to show up for this?
- Is this mine? Or am I carrying this with me from childhood?
- What are MY personal beliefs and values?
- How can I start to make my choices more in alignment with my thoughts?
The answers are already there. We just have to slow down and let them in.
Harnessing the Power of Choice in Everyday Life
All those little moments and choices we make add up to the significant experience that we all call life.
Without the power and ability to make sound choices in my life, I would not be sitting here today.
As a transitional life coach, I want to help you realize your innate freedom and step into your worth. To harness the power of choice to create more joy and freedom in your life. I’ve done it in my life, I’ve seen it in the lives of my clients and my friends, and I want to share the power behind this message with you.
If you are ready to create exciting changes in your life and re-write your own story, you can book a complimentary clarity call with me here.
You’re meant for great things. Choose yourself.