How the Solar Plexus Chakra Can Affect Your Confidence and Self-Esteem

How the Solar Plexus Chakra Can Affect Your Confidence and Self-Esteem

health Sep 26, 2022

Confidence is everything.

Isn’t that what they say?

It is kind of true though.

When you feel confident, the whole world seems more open somehow.

Feeling confident and comfortable in your body can do wonders for your self-esteem.

Without this feeling, you’re always standing on a shaky foundation. Always questioning the strength and solidarity of your personal power. 

You might wonder where you stand in the world. Untrusting of this awesome power within you.

What if there was a way to strengthen this energy? 

To harness and amplify those feelings of confidence and self-esteem?

To bring out the power that lies within you? 

Within all of us?

I can help you do just that.

The Solar Plexus Chakra: Meaning and Significance

Color: Yellow 

Element: Fire

The solar plexus chakra — also known as the Manipura — is the third in the chakra system. The word Manipura means “lustrous gem” or “city of jewels” in Sanskrit. 

This chakra is positioned on the solar plexus — beginning above the naval and moving up to the breastbone. The solar plexus chakra is where the energy is sourced for your personal power, self-esteem, confidence, warrior energy, and the power of transformation. 

Due to its location, this chakra is also connected with metabolism, digestion, and efficient absorption of nutrients.

The Manipura is considered the power center of the system. The fire element of this chakra represents the energy of the sun and helps burn negative energy so you’re able to manifest positive things into your life. 

The fire element helps ignite our consciousness and motivates us to work towards a life of transformation and success. If this chakra’s energy is low, it can cause feelings of burnout, weakness, fear, and stagnancy. 

This low energy may cause you to suffer from low self-esteem, shaky self-confidence, or difficulty making your own decisions. If there is excessive energy from the fire element in this chakra, it can create feelings of anger and aggression or issues with control.

Not so great, right?

Balanced vs Unbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra: Signs and Symptoms

When healthy energy flows through the solar plexus chakra, you may experience a heightened feeling of self-expression, an increase in self-esteem, and higher confidence in your ability to thrive in the life you choose. 

A healthy Manipura chakra can help you understand what your purpose and direction are in life. You’ll feel empowered and motivated to go after what you dream of most and have a clearer and stronger sense of who you are. You’ll feel less dependent on external things or other people for your source of happiness — as you’ll feel filled to the brim with pure abundance.

Like the sun — our “solar” plexus and the element of fire — which is warm, and generous with its light, the solar plexus energy center is also about spreading joy and generosity. 

When the energy to this chakra is blocked, we may feel jealous, and fearful there isn’t enough abundance to go around. When surrounded by this negative energy, it can also cause fatigue and digestive issues. These issues can show up as improper absorption of nutrients, constipation, or irritable bowel syndrome

You may also experience:

  • Pancreas and gallbladder issues
  • Constipation
  • Digestive system disorders
  • Aggression
  • Fear of rejection
  • Insecurity
  • Low self-esteem
  • Control issues
  • Negative thought patterns
  • Rigidity

An imbalance in the solar plexus chakra can even cause emotional and trust issues. You may experience insecurity, doubt, and mistrust towards the people in your life, always worrying about how others think and feel about you. You may constantly search for approval from others — this may lead to unhealthy attachments in relationships and to other people in your life.

Rebalancing Energy and Healing the Solar Plexus Chakra

There are multiple ways you can help rebalance solar plexus energy. Since the color that represents the Manipura chakra is yellow — any stone or crystal of this color will help to open the solar plexus area and help facilitate proper energy flow.

Yellow topaz, lemon quartz, citrine, amber, and tiger-eye stones are all great gems to help rebalance this energy, re-harness your sense of power, and create an internal environment that nurtures self-esteem.

Solar plexus chakra affirmations:

Repeating affirmations that encourage personal power can help reverse negative thought patterns and replace them with more empowering ones.

  • I am confident and powerful
  • I am ready and able to face challenges
  • I am motivated and capable of pursuing my purpose
  • My response to a situation is the only thing I can control
  • I honor the power that’s within me
  • Everything I need is within me
  • I am strong and courageous

Burning incense and incorporating essential oils into these rituals can help open and heal the chakra energy system. Lemongrass, ginger, saffron, black pepper, cedarwood, and rosemary are all scents that correspond with the solar plexus chakra.

Practice Generosity

Since this energy center is associated with generosity, practice small acts of kindness. This could mean being generous with your time, your money, or with your attention. It could be as simple as giving someone a compliment, donating to a charity, volunteering, smiling at a stranger, or giving someone a personal gift you know they’d appreciate. 

Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation

The sound “RAM” is the mantra for the Manipura. Chanting this sound will help to open the chakra and promote balance.

To further tap into the power of the solar plexus chakra, you can try this meditation to clear any blockages and facilitate healthy energetic flow. 

Sit on the ground or in a chair and find a comfortable position. Close your eyes and take a moment and turn your attention inward. 

Take a deep breath in through your nose. Breathe it out through your mouth with a sigh. 

Repeat three times.

Bring your awareness to the nourishing ground beneath you and the infinite world above you.

Feel your deep connection to both.

Begin to chant the Manipura mantra Ram out loud, or quietly to yourself. 

Bring your awareness to the energy center of your solar plexus chakra.

Breathing in, slowly bring your arms up to the sky, as if reaching for the sun. Visualize a bright yellow flame of light igniting your abdomen, at the location of your solar plexus. 

Take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, begin to imagine this fire building in your belly. Feel this heat radiate throughout your body as it expands beyond yourself.

As you inhale, draw confidence up from the earth. As you exhale, release any shame or judgments you hold about yourself.

When this vibrant yellow light has surrounded your entire being, keep your arms outstretched overhead and breathe in its warmth. Feel this light generously give you a strong sense of power and esteem as it fills your soul.

Repeat one (or more if you choose) of these affirmations:

  • I am confident and courageous
  • I have an abundance of personal power
  • I know the direction of my destiny and I keep my focus on it
  • I deeply love and respect myself

As you allow these affirmations to take hold, take another deep breath in through your nose, and sigh it out once more through the mouth. 

Slowly bring your awareness back to your surroundings. Allow the breath to return to normal. Begin to gently move the body. Allow your eyes to open. 

Feel the vibrational energy of the solar plexus chakra ignite your being and inspire you throughout the remainder of your day. 

Living From a Space of Self-Esteem and Confidence in My Own Life

Healing the solar plexus chakra is a wonderful way to create feelings of stability, happiness, and confidence, and boost your self-esteem and inner power. 

The Manipura encourages you to channel the energy of the sun. This sun is bright and radiant — bringing joy and light to all it touches. When we shine, everyone benefits. 

I try to live my own life in a space that promotes healthy solar plexus energy. I practice trusting myself and in my own decisions — leaning in to listen to my inner intuition and guidance. I practice self-validation instead of relying on external validation. I’m mindful to keep stepping up to next-level opportunities and challenges that present themselves to me, always trusting that I have what it takes to succeed. 

I take care to mindfully respond rather than simply react to a situation. I make sure I love and care for myself through all of life’s difficult moments as I own my self-worth and personal power.

I would love to help you find your own personal power and guide you on the path to the life of your dreams.
If this resonates with you and you’re ready to begin this powerful healing journey, you can book a complimentary clarity call with me here.

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