How the Throat Chakra Can Influence Effective Communication and Self-Expression

How the Throat Chakra Can Influence Effective Communication and Self-Expression

health Oct 10, 2022

The ability to express our innermost thoughts and feelings is what we all strive for in any relationship.

To feel heard. 

To feel understood. 

It feels pretty great, right?

And to be able to return that favor and make them feel heard and seen?


Our ability to communicate or express ourselves can be influenced by many factors. Upbringing, childhood experiences, previous relationships, energetic imbalances…

Creating balance in your energy system and clearing blockages in the throat chakra can help facilitate the healing process even faster.

In a manner of speaking, to clear your throat. 

And make space for your voice.

The Throat Chakra: Meaning and Significance

Color: Blue

Element: Space

The throat chakra — also called the Visuddha Chakra —  is located on (you guessed it!) the throat. It's associated with the characteristics of healthy expression, and effective communication. It influences your ability to find and express your truth and has a strong connection to body language as well as verbal language. 

 The word “Vishuddha” translates to “purifying the body”. The Throat Chakra’s energy is restored by releasing or “detoxifying” the body and mind by speaking up and letting it out. 

An authentic and genuine expression of the self isn’t easy — you may be afraid of being judged or not accepted for who you are. It can be easy to say what someone wants to hear rather than speak your truth. A healthy throat chakra can help you reach a higher level of communication that’s in alignment with who you truly are.

The element of Vishuddha Chakra is space. It expands — or adds space to — our perspective and encourages seeking and speaking of truth. For where there’s space, there is room to flow.

The throat chakra influences our communication with our true and internal selves. We find our voice, and our right to speak and be heard. We become better at listening by hearing what the other person is truly saying, and allowing ourselves to be truly heard. 

To be understood.

So how do you know if your throat chakra is blocked?

Blocked vs Unblocked Throat Chakra

A blocked throat chakra may cause an inability to express your thoughts or feelings, shyness, and being a poor listener. 

When the energy of the throat chakra is out of balance, you may have a harder time communicating effectively. You might struggle to find the right words to say what you need to say, or you might have trouble working up the courage to say them at all. During difficult conversations, you may simply shut down instead of speaking up. 

This imbalance of energy may also manifest itself as a fear of speaking in public or being open with your friends or family. You may also speak so quietly that people can’t easily hear you, or your voice goes completely unnoticed.

Too much energy in the throat chakra may create a tendency to talk too much or mumble as you try and get your thoughts out as fast as possible, making it hard to understand you. You may say the “wrong” things, lie, interrupt or talk over people, spread gossip, or totally dominate the conversation — not letting others get a word in edgewise.

In short, communication breaks down. When this chakra is out of alignment, it can make it harder to effectively communicate. We may have difficulty understanding other people and it may be difficult for other people to understand us. This can create feelings of loneliness and disconnection.

Other signs and symptoms of a blocked or imbalanced throat chakra are:

  • Neck pain or stiffness
  • Being extremely quiet or refusing to speak
  • Chronically raspy or sore throat
  • Ulcers in the mouth
  • Laryngitis
  • Thyroid disorders
  • Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) issues

When this chakra’s energy is balanced — it enables positive self-expression, constructive communication, and the ability to find your voice.

It’s easier to speak with compassion and without fear. You’ll be open to listening to and hearing what others have to say. You’re better able to talk openly and honestly — with care and concern for how others feel. It’s easier to articulate your ideas, emotions, and opinions more clearly. When you’re able to express yourself clearly, it’s easier to feel heard and better understood.

When we heal our throat chakra, the ability to communicate our boundaries, feelings, and thoughts becomes…  spacious.

Now that we know how to tell if our throat chakra is blocked… how do we unblock it?

Throat Chakra Affirmations

If you’re used to saying what other people want to hear, rather than speaking your truth, affirmations can be a great way to practice speaking what's true in your heart. They can also be useful in manifesting what you desire and breaking old patterns to create new and healthier ones. 

To open and align the throat chakra, repeat affirmations that speak to integrity and effective communication: 

  • I communicate effectively and with ease
  • I feel comfortable speaking about what’s on my mind
  • I give and take as I listen and speak
  • I honor and speak the truth
  • I communicate with bravery and respect 
  • My voice matters
  • I speak my truth
  • I speak with compassion and I’m mindful of my words
  • I listen to my own inner voice

By repeating these affirmations daily, we allow ourselves to create new thoughts and behaviors that lead to new actions that align with self-expression, compassion, and effective communication. 

Incorporating stones and crystals into your affirmation practice can help further open and align the throat chakra.  The stones associated with the Vishuddha chakra are blue topaz, aquamarine, sapphire, and turquoise. 

You can also utilize these stones by placing them over the throat chakra during meditation or carrying them with you to utilize their high vibrational energy during moments of tough communication or to remind yourself to always speak your truth.

Open Spaces

Since the throat chakra is associated with the element of space, meditating and/or sitting in an open space, under the stars, or under a wide-open sky is a wonderful way to encourage this energy to flow and create balance.

Chant, Sing, or Hum 

Chanting, singing, and humming are all wonderful ways to engage and open the throat chakra. 

The mantra sound for this chakra is ham — pronounced “hum”. 

The Pranayama breathing exercise Lion’s Breath also helps bring heat and stimulation to the throat chakra:

To begin this practice, inhale deeply through your nose.

Open your mouth wide and stick out your tongue — really relax and release it.

Now, forcefully release and “roar” out your breath — your exhale should be loud and sound like the roar of a lion. 

Between each “roar” breathe normally to catch your breath.

Repeat several times.

This exercise helps release pent-up tension and helps encourage self-expression and open communication.

Throat Chakra Meditation

This meditation is a nice and gentle way to encourage your throat chakra to open and facilitate healthy self-expression and communication.

Incorporating essential oils of blue chamomile or frankincense can help enhance this practice.

Find yourself in a comfortable seated position. Close your eyes, take a deep breath in, and exhale.



Gently place your hands over your throat chakra where the energy of your honesty, integrity, communication, and self-expression are held. Let your hands rise and fall with your breath. Allow your palms to absorb the vibrations as you begin to hum the mantra of the throat chakra “ham”.

Tuning into this vibrational energy of your throat chakra, draw in all the support that you need from the earth and space at this moment. Breathe in compassion, openness, and honesty. Breathe out any stagnant energy that’s getting in the way of your authentic expression. 

Feel your breath as it passes through your nose and travels to the back of your throat, down your windpipe, and fills your lungs. 

Allow the flow of breath to clear any energetic blockages in your throat, allowing it to become a clearer, more effective conduit for expression with each exhale.

Now, in your mind’s eye — see the color of the throat chakra begin to glow within your throat. 

With every breath, draw in more and more energy and see this beautiful blue color brighten with each inhale. Watch it grow more and more powerful. 

Exhale any remaining negativity from the throat and replace it with this vibrant blue energy. 

Once your throat chakra feels open and aligned, open your eyes — ready to be more honest, open, and expressive. 

Living From a Space of Truth and Communication in My Own Life

Healing your throat chakra is a great way to nurture and encourage self-expression, communication, and finding your authentic voice.

As we know, living in a space of truth and authentic expression isn’t always easy. 

I try and remind myself to always speak my own truth, stand up for myself when necessary, and to express myself when things aren’t going as expected or when boundaries need to be set.  

I practice speaking kind words of love and compassion to others.  

I gather the courage to find my voice in situations that feel challenging and new. As a female, I find this quality to be very important in the world we live in so that we can continue to truly be HEARD. To stand up for what we believe in and say no to what doesn’t feel right and YES to the things and people that light us up. 

This work, for example, is what lights me up. 

I thrive on helping people heal, guiding them to discover their own joy, and helping them figure out actionable steps to get them there.

If you’d like a little help in clearing your throat chakra and finding your authentic voice, you can book a complimentary clarity call with me here

Because your voice matters.

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