How to Let Yourself Be Seen: The Power and Freedom in Transparency

How to Let Yourself Be Seen: The Power and Freedom in Transparency

lifestyle Aug 01, 2022

It can be hard to open yourself up to other people.

To let them know your deepest truths. To peek inside the essence of who you are.

Will they judge you?

Will they see you differently?

Will they understand you?

But being open and transparent doesn’t have to be scary.

 It can mean living with true and purposeful honesty for the betterment of yourself, and your relationships with other people.

The Meaning of Transparency and How to Practice it 

Transparency can often be confused with vulnerability. 

But they’re not quite the same.

Vulnerability is the potential of being physically or emotionally hurt, or being undefended against attack or criticism. 

Transparency is letting yourself be exposed, letting the light in so that you can let yourself be seen. 

Being transparent within any relationship — whether it’s with yourself, with romantic partners, or at work — is about sharing how you think and how you feel about something with genuine openness and honesty. 

Open and honest communication enhances trust and facilitates connection. 

But transparency is not the only thing necessary to build trust in relationships. You must also be thoughtful in what you reveal to people. 

Being transparent doesn’t mean you should speak without a filter or that you say whatever pops into your mind. Transparency isn’t self-serving or selfish or telling someone what you think or how you feel with no regard to their feelings.

What you share and how you share it matters

What you say and what you share should always benefit who you’re speaking to — or about. 

You need to realize and respect that confidentiality and boundaries matter. There needs to be trust within genuine relationships. When you show people you want what’s best for them, you create this trust. 

What you say and what you share should come from a place of integrity. Here, your words are kind, intentional, helpful, and take into consideration how other people feel. 

Real transparency is purposeful.

It’s also about letting the light in. It’s removing the darkness and not hiding in it any longer. There is a sense of freedom in this lightness. There’s no more shame. You’re allowing yourself to be truly SEEN.

It takes a certain amount of grace and courage to be able to step into that space where we can allow ourselves to be authentically transparent and vulnerable. It takes courage to do something in spite of fear. To allow ourselves to become transparent, and have the courage to turn back to our essential nature, who we are, and who we’re meant to be. 

I don’t know about you, but I want more of that in my life. 

The Importance of Transparency in Life, Relationships, and Career

The power of transparency in life is evident in every relationship, work environment, and most importantly with ourselves. When you value transparency, you let others know you have nothing to hide. That you value trust, honesty, and openness in order for you and others to be the best versions of themselves.

Transparency is about giving people all the information they need so they can:

  • Thrive at work, or in their given tasks
  • Be empowered to make informed decisions about their work life or personal life
  • Begin or continue genuine relationships with you and other people
  • Live with honesty and integrity for themselves 

Being authentic with our friends and romantic partners is to be able to feel your feelings and to be transparent about them to allow others a glimpse into our inner experience and our world.

Even the messy or troubling feelings that we don’t always wish to feel. Our fears, our desires, our point of view, our vulnerabilities, and how we feel about certain issues or things that are personal. 

These feelings can be… uncomfortable. 

But allowing someone to see these parts of you and shining a light on them is what creates a feeling of intimacy. A feeling of trust, and connection.

Because you allow other people to greet your pain with love. To experience genuine intimacy with another person, you must be willing to be transparent.

 I know it can be really scary and kind of overwhelming to let someone in. To see the real you. But when we let someone else in and accept their love and support, we make the hard things seem bearable.

How to Practice Transparency:

Tell someone something about yourself — of your inner life. Maybe it’s something you’ve never told anyone before  — and allow them to do the same without judgment.

  • What are your hopes, fears, dreams, or desires?
  • What do you believe your purpose in life is? 
  • How do you feel about where you are in your work and career? 
  • Does it feel in alignment with your true self, your values, or your vision of life?
  • What do you feel most grateful for?
  • What are your favorite things about your partner or friend?

With the answers to these questions, essentially you’re telling someone that this is who you are.

It’s letting yourself be open and receptive to another’s reality — their feelings, wishes, desires, fears, and the things that make them different from you and encouraging your partner to feel safe to express this to you.

 It's about showing someone that you desire to know them at the deepest level and to be known in that way in return.

Being Authentically Transparent: Clearing the Darkness and Letting in the Light 

Being transparent allows you to live an authentic life that is aligned with your values and guiding principles in life. It allows you to create deep and meaningful connections with other people.

When you share your own story or hear other women's stories of challenge + triumph you realize that there’s an aspect and a reflection of your own experience. 

This is the power of being in a community. Of sisterhood. Seeing ourselves reflected through one another and learning more about ourselves through learning more about each other. 

When we realize we aren't alone or "outside" as we FEEL at times, we can suddenly SEE what's actually possible for us. Beneath all the discomfort or fear of being vulnerable, our desires are rooted. 

Our work is in the uncovering.

Collective healing starts with honoring the path in which we have all walked, and believing in the magnitude of love, support, and wisdom that always surrounds us.

When we’re willing to deeply look into the essence of our souls with a lens of clarity and compassion we can begin to heal the wounds of our past and experience growth and expansion. We allow ourselves to become the person we’re always meant to be because we aren’t afraid of taking off the cover and looking beneath the surface.

If there is any time that we need to join together in love and support, it is now. We are all in this together. 

I know the power of shifting our mindset, making intentional choices, clarity, and utilizing tools that empower our psyche and well-being. I know the power because I have walked the talk, done the work, and will continue to do the work for the length of my human existence. 

I'm here for you. 

I'm here to give you support. 

I'm here to give you whatever you need.

 I'm here, and I would be honored to give you the support you’re looking for.
Reach out so we can start a conversation of transparency and transformation together. Book a complimentary clarity call with me here.

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