My Personal Journey

My Personal Journey

lifestyle mindset Oct 07, 2020

Hi there and welcome. I'm Stacie and I would love to tell you a bit more about myself and what brought me here... to you. 

After working as an Occupational Therapist in the standard hospital setting for many years, my heart began to yearn for more.  I found myself getting clear on what I truly wanted in life, while simultaneously getting clear on why I was staying in my current position.  The benefits, insurance and child care they provided were acting as a crutch that I had been choosing to lean on.  The day my Father took his last breath, March 5, 2016, it became evident that it was time for me to make a change, and follow my true desires.


My Dad's death was the catalyst of change for me, a sign, that helped me to realize a deep truth... the truth that we each hold our own destiny within ourselves.  Each and everyone of us.


After months of soul searching, praying, meditating, therapy and asking the universe to ‘PLEASE have my back,’ I knew that I needed to quit my conventional job of 7 years. I had to release the comfortable and ‘stable’ aspect of my existence so that I could step out to pursue my life's work… supporting + guiding women in pivotal moments of transition and transformation. 


I truly believe that our life experience prepares us for our unique  paves the way and beautifully manifests who we are meant to become in the world. 

My story is no exception to the rule….

As a young girl, I grew up in a multi-dimensional home with an alcoholic father and an extremely loving mother. My Mom desperately attempted to make right from all my Dad's wrongs, and I discovered my first taste of self-sabotage, mistrust, deception, lies, and overcompensation. The secrets, constant tension, and  sense of 'covering everything up' led to a deep state of confusion and misunderstanding in my life that would travel with me as a companion much longer than I expected or desired.

As I grew older, I began to question everything…  my body, my choices, and my place in the world. 


“Why was THIS my story?  Why didn't I deserve to live in a peaceful home, with 2 loving parents and have a sense of stability?” 


As a teenager, these feelings only grew stronger as I found myself involved in destructive relationships, pregnant at the age of 17, suffering through an abortion, adopting disordered eating patterns, self-hate, depression and eventually dropped out of high school.  There were many days that I couldn't face myself in the mirror or even leave my house.  I wasn't happy with who I had become. I was severely underweight, unhappy, and overall completely disappointed in myself.  


“How did I get here?”


I would ask myself.


"How did this happen? Why did this happen?”

One day, when I simply couldn't take anymore, I was forced to get honest with myself and began the slow road of healing my broken soul.  Through many hours of counseling, praying on my two knees, deep self -work, sharing my story and deciding that it was time for a change... I began to see the light again.  I realized that by sharing my story, I was helping others... maybe this was the whole point from the beginning.


I chose to get Grounded In….

  • My healing

  • My power

  • Prayer

  • Quiet Reflection 

  • Support

  • Guidance

  • Co-creation 

  • Surrender 

  • Release 

  • Calling the beauty back in 

  • Deep forgiveness 

  • And it all started with a CHOICE.  I chose MYSELF for the first time.  


Was this the purpose of my journey?" 


I would pray, ask, pray again, ask a little more, and then it became very clear to me that YES, this was my purpose.  The purpose of my journey was to be able to share my story, relate to others in the thickness of their despair and become an avenue of healing.


"Mission accepted.  Here I am.  Ready.”

As my soul began to heal, I began to manifest deep love, self-compassion and a desire to seek communion and relationship with others.  My life began to change.  

  • I cultivated life-long, sustainable and deep connections with amazing family, friends, and a beautiful sisterhood. 

  • I forgave myself, and thus was able to forgive my family. 

  • A man that loves me with all his soul, connected with mine, and here we are many years later, deeply in love. 

  • We created a family and have 2 amazing daughters that make my heart shine to its fullest every single day. 

  • I began to invest in myself again. I decided that I was worth it.  

  • I began to change that little voice in my head, which I still work on daily, to one of love vs myths/hate/disbelief.  

  • I chose love. And then I chose love again. 


My journey has led me here.  Everything has led me to this space.


I knew there was something more….

A way in which I could led from my experience, share my story, facilitate healing, and reach other amazing women in the world.  

There was more.. 

More came to me through Holistic Wellness and Meaningful Life Coaching programs, a deeply meaningful Sisterhood built on love and acceptance, nurturing counseling and coaching from amazing practitioners,  an opportunity to purchase a sacred mindful movement studio with my love, believing in myself and listening to that still small voice that is always with me.

I found my WHY.

I know the power of this work, because I experienced it so deeply in my own life.  

I know the power of speaking our truth, standing for what we believe in and leaning into the deep intuitive guides that steer our path.  

I know the power of asking for help, realizing that we aren't alone and allowing the support that we truly need to flow into our lives.  

I know the power of re-connecting with our feminine essence and stepping into the greatness that is waiting for each and everyone of us.  

I was able to surrender the control of having to see what was on the other side of each day and allowed the inner navigation to take the wheel.  

I know deep in my soul that I am on MY right path. 

And now, as an Conscious Mindset Mentor + Transformational Lifestyle Coach I am on a mission to help facilitate ease, connection, balance, fulfillment and joy in the lives of amazing women who are ready for change.  They are ready to release the  feelings of being overwhelmed, exhausted or as if they are missing the mark and step into their innate power and wisdom. I desire to be an avenue that exudes their internal beauty and helps to them to create a life that is heart centered and satisfying. 

My work in the world includes deeply nourishing 1:1 collaborations, intimate group connections, local and virtual workshops, hosting and speaking on my Transformational Talk Radio, my Blog: The Root + The Leaf, my Podcast series (coming soon) and beautiful retreats around the world. 

If you are ready to say yes to that small voice that has been cheering you on, I would be honored to walk that path with you. Join me, won't you?


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