New Year, New Big Risks: Why You Should Take Them Even if You Don’t Feel Ready

New Year, New Big Risks: Why You Should Take Them Even if You Don’t Feel Ready

lifestyle mindset Jan 18, 2023

Is there something you want in your life, but you’ve been putting off taking steps to get it?

Something that your heart keeps bringing up over and over again? Something that you feel might be… too big or seem too scary?

As humans — especially women — we have a strong tendency to believe that we don’t know enough, don't have enough, or aren’t ready enough for THE THING we desperately want for ourselves.

We talk ourselves out of following our own dreams and aspirations and put ourselves at the back of the line. But the truth is: No one is ever ready when they take the leap. They simply have to have the faith and trust to take the first step before the path is shown to them.

There is no such thing as failure, only feedback. We are never ready, but we’re always learning. And when we pause out of fear in our own lives — the only one that suffers is us.

Why Taking Risks is So Important in Life

We usually think of risk-taking as something that’s reckless. We even apply this way of thinking to smaller risks. Every kind of risk can feel just as threatening as another. Because taking risks tends to yank us out of our comfort zone. When we’re comfortable, it’s easier to stay right where we are. Where it’s familiar. Anything that takes us away from that feeling seems… well, risky.

But everything you want in your life requires some level of risk. And just because we’re comfortable doesn’t mean we’re living our best life. We need to make moves and take steps toward the life we wish to be living.

And that might mean taking steps out of our comfort zone.

Taking risks can be extremely rewarding. It keeps things interesting and facilitates growth. But the greatest kinds of risks are the ones we take to bring you closer into alignment with your values, goals, dreams, and desires.

To that place you’re longing to be.

Are We Ever REALLY Ready?: Getting Over the Fear of Taking Risks

When you first start taking risks, it might feel a little scary. But that’s totally normal. These feelings are just a way your body protects you from harm or disappointment. Because if you don’t take risks, it saves you from the potential of failing at something that matters to you.

But this fear holds us back from starting big new things. It’s being brave enough to take that step forward. If we don’t, we end up letting opportunities slip away from us.

Being “ready” is simply an excuse we give to ourselves to avoid making ourselves feel vulnerable in the world. A measure of whether or not we believe we’re likely to either fail or succeed. It’s avoiding risk. Avoiding what scares us. A reason to stay “comfortable”. But we can be as prepared as we’ll ever be and still not feel completely ready to take that first step.

You may wonder.. what if I fail? Am I even ready for this? Is there something else I can do to feel more… ready?

But this way of thinking lets us believe there’s a better time to start. Maybe when it’s less risky. But the truth is — there’s always going to be some sort of risk. And wherever you’re going, you’ll never get there if you don’t begin.

And we can make well-informed risks and decisions that feel less risky. This can help us make choices that… almost just make sense. So before taking any kind of risk, ask yourself:

  • What do I have to lose by doing this?
  • What do I have to gain?
  • What’s the best way I can reach my desired outcome?
  • Is this the smartest decision for me?
  • Is this decision keeping me small? Or is this leading me to where I want to be?
  • What kind of risk do I actually face?
  • And how can I handle it if it doesn't work out the first time around?
  • What will my next steps be?

So once you start taking smaller well-informed risks in your life, it will help create momentum for you to begin taking larger risks that lead you further and faster down the path of your dreams.

It’s perfectly ok to start small. You don’t need to jump right into taking a huge risk right away. It all starts by setting a small, clearly defined goal that’s easy to achieve.

And please know that making mistakes is part of the process. The truth is you will probably make plenty of mistakes. And that’s ok! You can actually learn a lot from your mistakes. In fact, we can learn just as much — if not more — from getting things wrong than we do from getting things right.

And you come back smarter and stronger.

Expecting… the Unexpected?

Some of us have a pretty good idea of what we want our lives to look like. We have plans for ourselves. The things we want to achieve, what we wish to experience, and exactly who it is we want to be. But a lot of the time, life gets in the way of these plans. Things happen that you didn’t plan on. Things outside of your control.

Because that’s just life, right?

We need to make plans that allow us to be flexible and adaptable to an ever-changing reality. One that allows us to redefine our goals if necessary, or find another way to get to them. It’s an endless cycle of pursuing your goals, changing your plans, and working around obstacles until you achieve your goals — despite setbacks or perceived failures.

Besides, opening ourselves up to new opportunities and experiences can give us valuable feedback and help us determine if we’re truly on the right path. Because as we grow, we change. We’re not the same people we were when we were children or teenagers, and we’re not the same people we were ten years ago.

And thank goodness, right?

So while we may not plan everything that happens to us we’ll get to know ourselves better in the process. These unplanned surprises might even open doors for opportunities that you haven’t even dreamt of before they were presented to you.

Building Momentum: Taking the First Step Toward Success

Without action, nothing happens. You’re just going with the flow to where life takes you — on autopilot and maybe a place you don’t particularly want to be in.

Maybe you know exactly what it is you want to do, but you’re not sure where to start. To get there, you must do something, anything, to begin your journey. Taking that first step is telling yourself that this is possible. That you believe in yourself and your dreams enough to take this first step — no matter where it leads you. Because you know you’ll figure it out.

Just making the decision to begin is an accomplishment. Because it’s taking this first step that creates momentum. Because waiting doesn’t fix any of your problems. When you’re moving forward, you’re constantly learning and getting better.

Today, how can YOU begin to build momentum in your life? What’s one step you can take toward your goals, dreams, and aspirations?

There will be challenges. There may be setbacks or failures.

But… what if things turned out well, maybe even better than you could’ve imagined? What if you succeeded?

Taking Risks in My Own Life

“When you walk to the edge of all the light you have and take that first step into the darkness of the unknown, you must believe that one of two things will happen. There will be something solid for you to stand upon or you will be taught to fly.” ― Patrick Overton

This quote has been the backbone and truth that has spurred so many BIG changes and leaps in my life.

I believe in the power of taking risks.

And you know what? I believe in you.

I believe in you because I was you…

When I felt the nudge to leave my job as an Occupational Therapist I was afraid, confused, and not quite sure this was the right move for me. There was nothing logical about leaving my career, I had insurance, benefits, and childcare through this job.

However, the nudge grew stronger and stronger and I realized that I was being asked to do the hard thing to unlock the life that I dreamed of. I had to take that step out on faith without knowing the outcome and leave the job and career that felt comfortable.

And you know what, I was truly taught to fly. Opportunities that I could’ve never imagined opened up to me. I started getting really clear on what MY work is in the world. But I never would have known or had the space to receive those messages if I hadn’t taken that first, hard step.

So what’s your hard thing sister?

We only have one precious life… What's in the plans for yours, my love? What’s the ONE thing you can’t help but keep thinking about? What is it that you are waiting to “get ready” for?

Is it finally taking the leap to go on a self-development retreat with other like-minded people? Getting honest about some unhealthy habits in your life?
Asking for support and help?
Putting your creations out into the world?

You might never feel 100% ready. And the situation might never feel perfect.

But you can be prepared.

But be prepared to take risks too. Take a risk on yourself. It’s time for you to believe in YOU.

If you need help getting clear on what YOUR next steps are, let’s connect! You can book a complimentary clarity call with me here.

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