Tapping Into Your Higher Self

Tapping Into Your Higher Self

lifestyle mindset May 16, 2022

How to Find Peace Using EFT

Before recording my first episode of Grounding Into Your Radiance talk radio show, there were some uneasy feelings bubbling up inside of me because I was…well, nervous.

I think anybody who does any kind of public speaking gets that feeling though, right? That buzzy, anxious feeling coming up? Know that that’s normal. 

Completely normal.

To help me step into a place of confidence before recording my show, I turned to EFT. One of my favorite tools to help calm that buzzy feeling.

What is the Emotional Freedom Technique? 

Emotion Freedom Technique (EFT) — also called tapping — is a technique that is loosely based in Chinese medicine. The Emotional Freedom Technique focuses on the body’s meridian points, like those used in acupuncture. 

These points are believed to be the path where your body’s energy flows. If there is a blockage in this path, it can create unbalanced or excess energy and cause feelings of unease or discomfort.

With EFT, we balance the energy in the body to relieve emotional or physical issues by tapping on these meridian points. This allows any stuck energy to be released while raising your mood, state of mind, and overall vibration while also releasing those undesired feelings and emotions.  

Tapping can also be a wonderful tool to use in mindfulness. It allows you to draw your attention to your body and your breath while taking your mind off of issues that are causing you distress. 

Emotional Freedom Technique is so powerful because it can be used on EVERYTHING! Any emotion or feeling that’s holding you back or making you feel...off. 

Just a few examples of what tapping can be used for include: 

  • Anxiety
  • Physical pain
  • Stress
  • Weight loss issues
  • PTSD

Wouldn’t it be wonderful to learn how to transform that nervous energy into calm? Shy to confident energy? Stress to peace? Whenever you need?

It’s completely possible.

Let me show you how!

Where Are the EFT Tapping Points and How to Practice Tapping

When we push an emotion or feeling away without acknowledging where it’s coming from, it tends to get stuck. When you’re feeling anxious or stressed, I want you to remember this is a tool you can always use to come back into yourself and to ground down. 

So let’s begin.

There are three steps to tapping: 

First, you gauge how intense your feeling, or discomfort is (on a scale of 1-10). 

1. We Identify the Issue - Where we really call out what’s coming up, our fears and our emotions. We’re going to talk about what’s going on, what we’re going through, what we’re feeling, and all the things that we’re sensing.

2. The Setup - This is where we acknowledge your issues and accept yourself despite the problem. This may look like: “even though I’m feeling_____, I completely love and accept myself”. Then we bring forth what it is we want to feel instead. What we know that we need. Any emotions, feelings, or states of being that allow us to step into where we want to be. Use your favorite affirmations!

3. The Tapping Sequence

Now, the setup statement really begins to take hold when we start tapping the karate chop point — on the pinky side of the hand— while simultaneously repeating your setup phrase three times. Then, tap each of the following points seven times, moving down the body in this order while alternating your setup phrase, and the affirmational statements of how you want to feel:

  1. Karate chop (side of the hand)
  2. Top of head
  3. Top of the eyebrow
  4. Side of the eye
  5. Under the eye
  6. Under the nose
  7. Chin
  8. Underneath the collarbone
  9. Under the arm

Finish your sequence at the top of the head and end with three deep and cleansing breaths.

Finally, gauge how you are feeling in this moment

Take a quick body scan in your mind. 

Where are you on the scale NOW? Did tapping help relieve some of your discomforts? 

How I Used Tapping to Step Out of Anxiety and into Confidence

During the talk radio show, I talked about the power of our stories, and how important it is to share our stories and be in that space of vulnerability and courage. When we allow ourselves to get into that space, it allows everyone else to go there too. What I’ve found to be true is that when I’ve shared my story, it’s allowed others to be able to see themselves in that story. It allows others to step into a space of deep forgiveness, of knowing that they’re not alone, to know that they matter and that their story is just as important as everyone else’s.

Tapping is what helped me get into that space where I felt strong, confident and able to speak that message to others and make that connection.

I want to share with you the tapping statement I used before the call that really helped me get out of my head and drop back down into my heart. I hope you can utilize this for yourself when you’re feeling anxious. 

I said to myself: “even though I’m feeling nervous, I choose to completely and totally love and accept myself. Even though I’m not sure what’s about to happen, and I’m feeling nervous and a bit anxious about that…. I choose to completely and totally love and accept myself.… even though I can feel a tingling of anxiousness in my body at this moment…I choose to completely and totally love and accept myself”... 

I allowed the situation to flow into my experience.

I stepped into an incredible feeling of growth.

I called in healing, love, and compassion to myself now knowing that I am everything I need at this moment and will be as I move forward.

I reminded myself that I trusted in this process, I trusted myself, and I know that what I have to say matters.

 I began to see myself after the call knowing that I did an amazing job, knowing that my story is going to touch the lives of hundreds of women. 

I used my feelings of anxiety while calling in confidence and the way I wanted to feel.

At the end of that tapping experience, I felt a huge vibrational lift, my anxiety fell away, and I went on to crush that show.

This has since been a huge practice for me since I learned these techniques and I love that I can use them anywhere at anytime.

 I hope this helps you too. 

Want to see the whole sequence in action?

YouTube Video - Tapping for Anxiety and Nervousness

I would love to help release those energetic blocks within you and help you step into the next version of yourself. 

I would love to schedule a session with you to run through a tapping sequence and create some techniques that are really personal for you.

Click here to book a free clarity call with me and let’s talk about what you’d like to release!

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