That 'Gut' Feeling
Oct 02, 2020You know what I'm talking about when I say, "I just had a gut feeling and ran with it!" ... right? It's the global understanding that you had a hunch or your intuition steered you in one direction or another. Seems simple, yet illusive, doesn't it?
Actually, there has been quite a bit of research done around the topic of 'gut' feelings and intuitive reasoning that states that it is not only legitimate, but a sound and true compass for our decisions and lives.
What does Science say about gut feelings?
With no surprise, Science and Research have solidified the clear connection between our bodies and our minds (which Easter medicine practitioners and healers have known for centuries). Have you heard the statement, "as above is below?" Our consciousness and physical bodies are in direct communication with one another each and every waking moment of the day.

Which is why the concept of 'gut' feelings is such a powerful topic to consider and really dive deeper into. What does it mean when our body is trying to communicate something to us and how do we know that we can trust it when making big decisions in our lives?
One of the top thought leaders on this topic, Dr. Deepak Chopra states, "If you say 'I have a gut feeling about such and such' you're not speaking metaphorically, you're speaking literally. Your gut makes the same chemicals that your brain makes when it thinks."
Not only that, but the gut also acts as its own nervous system, which doesn't have the ability to second guess itself like the central nervous system (our brain) does. That's huge! When the nervous system in the gut speaks it is our innate knowing that is trying to communicate with us, and we should listen up! These nudges, when truly heard and respected, can be our greatest allies and gifts.
So many times I hear my clients say, "I just got in my head about it" or "I started second guessing myself and then I just gave up." When I hear these stories I know that they have moved from their immediate knowings and intuition straight up to their head... and that's where they get stuck.
When we heed the gentle nudges as they show up, we begin to strengthen the power of our intuition. We begin to FEEL the difference in our lives and reinforce the knowing that WE ALREADY HAVE ALL WE NEED INSIDE OF EACH OF US.

When I allow myself to consider how all of the times following my gut has led me in the right direction, I am in deep awe and wonder. I recall the deep knowing of when I first met my husband (at my locker when I was a freshman in high school) I knew something was different about him, when I knew that I only needed to apply to one graduate program because it was THE ONE and got in, when I knew that I had to quick my professional career to pursue my dreams and how SO many amazing opportunities literally fell into my lap.
I also consider the stories that we heard following the devastating tragedy of 911 of how so many people woke up simply feeling like they shouldn't go to work that day, or of how others got 'stuck' in traffic and weren't in the building when the horrific act was carried out.
I think about the extra dose of intuition I gained when I became a Mother, and how sometimes I just 'know' that something is wrong or upsetting one of my girls.
Start really listening to and following those gut feelings you have and notice how you are being guided in the direction that opens up possibilities bigger than your wildest dreams.
Post reference: Article by Elizabeth Rider