The Power of Visualization and Why it’s Critical to Define What Matters Most

The Power of Visualization and Why it’s Critical to Define What Matters Most

mindset Jan 24, 2023

+ REchilding Workshop Experience

So often we go about defining what we truly want in life all wrong.

We think that the external world helps us feel loved, accepted, joyful, abundant…

But how many times have you bought the car, received the degree, and checked something off your list, just to feel… well, the same? We end up chasing everything that society has told us will make us feel the way we want to feel only to be disappointed over and over again.

The reality is that joy is an inside game. And if we want to experience more of it — or any emotion for that matter — we have to find it inside FIRST before we will experience it in our outer world.

Visualization can be a wonderful tool to help you define how you want to feel, and what it is that means the most to you. To find within you what it is that truly fulfills you.

To practice living this life you dream of.

And you know what my love? You are so much more powerful than you can even imagine.

What is Visualization and How it Works

Visualization techniques and meditations have been used by people for many many years. It’s a wonderful tool you can use to help awaken your subconscious — and practice imagining something you’d like to achieve or what you’d like to embody in the future.

Sort of like… a mental dress rehearsal for your future self.

Attaining what you wish for usually begins with a goal. Unfortunately, it’s easy to get stuck in this goal-setting stage. We know what we want, and we might even make a plan… but sometimes that’s as far as we get.

This is where visualization comes in.

There are two kinds of visualization techniques:

  1. Outcome visualization: envisioning yourself reaching your goal and living out your desired future.

2. Process visualization: envisioning every step you would take to get to that future you. You would envision yourself completing every step you need to take to achieve your goal — not only the end goal itself.

When we learn how to clearly visualize what we want in our life, we begin to "see" the possibility of us having it. Feeling it. Being it. A glimpse of what life might be like if we got what we truly desired.

And once we learn how to use this for our benefit? What wouldn’t we be able to do?

The Power of Visualization: A Self-Fulfilling Prophecy?

What you focus on is more likely to become a reality than what you don’t.

Good or bad.

For example, have you ever worried about something and focused only on the worst possible outcome? And it actually ended up coming true? It’s certainly true that things just don’t always work out in our favor. But sometimes, what we focus on becomes sort of a self-fulfilling prophecy.

What if we imagined the best possible outcome instead?

Have you ever vividly imagined something and then it happened? Your brain recognized this event because it has seen it before. Your brain works with you to guide you toward your desires, influences your behaviors, and helps you fulfill your goals.

When we visualize something — our brain doesn’t recognize the difference between the picture in our minds and reality. And the more you visualize something, the more your brain becomes familiar with your goal. It becomes primed for the real thing.

This technique allows you to lay down the groundwork in your mind to help make your future dreams and visions a reality. By visualizing the future you desire, your brain sees this future as if it exists in the present moment.

It’s seeing it into being.

Defining What Matters Most

When I am calling joy and health into my life I take a moment to consider — what brings those emotions into my life naturally? A walk outside with my pup? Walking on the beach with a girlfriend? Spending time doing yoga in my room or back porch? Journaling and spending time solo?

All of these things enhance the FEELING that I’m desiring vs an external outcome. That feeling is what actually brings us closer to achieving it.

How do you want to feel? What energy do you desire to hold? What is it that you want to call into your life? Which shifts do you want to create within?

Try and remember the last time you felt the most alive. Try to invoke those same feelings you felt at that moment.

  • What were you doing?
  • What was it about that time that made you feel this way?
  • What mattered to you most about that moment?
  • How did you FEEL?

Visualization can be a great way to help you clarify the details of what means the most to you and what having these things would feel like.

Then, you go after the things that bring you those emotions.

How to Practice Visualization: Tips and Techniques

Once you've decided what you'll practice visualizing — find a cozy place to sit, close your eyes, and let your mind rest for a moment. When you’re relaxed and ready — begin to visualize in your mind what it is you desire most.

Visualize you at your truest, happiest self. You’re living a deeply abundant life, connected to your soul’s purpose, and all of your needs are met. What will it look and feel like once you have it?

  • Where are you?
  • What are you doing?
  • Who are you with?
  • How do you feel in your body?
  • What’s going through your mind?
  • What do you smell? Taste? Touch? Hear?
  • What are you wearing?
  • What experiences are you having?

Be sure to incorporate as many details as possible. The more detailed you can make it, the more real it will seem to you. Try engaging all five senses in the visualization — it helps create an experience that mimics the real thing.

Create a Vision Board

A vision board is a collage of words and images that bring you inspiration. A literal representation of what your wishes and dreams are and what you wish to achieve. Put your vision board in a place that’s easy to see to remind yourself of what you're working towards.

Listen to a Guided Meditation

Guided imagery helps you relax and gives you a chance to practice visualization by giving you something specific to focus on.

Write it Down

Make a list of a few goals that you're currently working toward on a post-it or index card. In the morning when you wake up and before you go to sleep at night — go through each of these cards and visualize yourself completing each one.

Making time to visualize in these moments helps you focus your waking and subconscious mind on your desired outcome — throughout your day and as you sleep.

Visualization does not guarantee success. But when combined with effort and action — it’s a powerful way to help create the life you truly desire. Whether these actions are small or large, the important thing is that you take them.

Remember, it’s an inside job!

Bringing the Powering of Visualization to Life: REchilding Workshop

Holding space for women’s healing is one of the greatest joys and honors of my life.

Through the powerful work of visualization and reconnecting to the inner little girl that lives deep inside, we’re able to receive medicine from her learnings, hear what she so deeply desires to share, and allow the message of the miracle that each of us to marinate in and come to life in our lives.

She is a gift.

We are a gift.

And by reconnecting to her magic — we begin to live a life in alignment with this truth.

I am in awe of the way in which each of these women SHOWED UP for themselves and for one another. Their commitment to deep inner healing was so beautiful to witness and be a part of.

Through this work, we’re not only healing the deep wounds within, but we’re also doing the critical work of ancestral healing in both directions of our lineage. Healing the past in a time when our grandmothers and great-grandmothers didn’t have access to these healing processes and were not able to gather in such ways. And healing forward for the generations of many women to follow us… our daughters, granddaughters, and BEYOND!!!

This is just the beginning and it is going to be powerful!

We’re living in a time that is calling us to stand for what we believe in, stand for what we deserve, and stand for what we desire more of in our lives.

We are being asked to shine the light within.

So who is the version of you that you choose to invite into 2023? What steps can you begin to take today to get you closer and closer to those feelings?

Will you make the choice to shine with me, sister? The world needs you now more than ever.

Sign up for the March circle here.

Not local? Book a session here to do this work with me 1:1.

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