T.I.M.E Techniques: How to TIME Travel While Programming Your Future for Success
May 31, 2022
When you experience something in your life, whether it’s good or bad, you may think that once the experience is over, it’s over.
All the emotions and feelings and physical reactions you felt during that event have passed, never again to return. A fleeting moment in time — lost to history.
Well…not exactly.
Everything that happens to us is stored in our subconscious minds. Emotions, memories, and feelings… can all affect the way we react to everything that comes after that occurrence. These memories create a story in our minds. They tell you that since this is what happened before, that’s how we should expect it to be from now on. That becomes your truth.
But what if we could create a different story for ourselves?
What if we could…re-write the past?
T.I.M.E. Techniques: What is it?
Time Integration For Maximum Empowerment (or T.I.M.E — also called Timeline Therapy) is a technique born out of Neuro-Linguistic Programming and is used to:
- Release limiting beliefs and negative emotions that keep coming up and hold you back
- Release anger, sadness, fear, hurt, guilt, and shame at the root cause
- Embrace what you’ve learned from your experiences and apply them to past, current, and future circumstances without holding on to the negative
- Program your future for success
T.I.M.E. Techniques can help you eliminate stored negative emotions and limiting beliefs or decisions you’ve made from events in the past. While doing this, you’ll also be creating and setting achievable and desirable goals to create a more satisfying future.
It’s like modern-day time travel! For your mind.
Everyone has a timeline of their lives in which they experience all the events in their life. Usually, this is consciously experienced in chronological order.
Yesterday, today, tomorrow…
Most people would say that the only reality is now, this exact moment you are experiencing. They say your past is only a memory and your future exists only in your imagination. But the way we view the past and how we feel about the future have an enormous impact on how we view the present. How we feel, what we do, how we react…everything is shaped by our past experiences.
Transforming Your Destiny: Connecting to the Subconscious for Lasting Change
When we suppress or deny our emotions, it’s kind of like we’re stuffing them in a jar and storing them on a shelf, collecting dust. That jar stores those emotions somewhere deep inside our minds. Sometimes we do this to forget about what happened or uncomfortable memories we wish we could forget. But the memories don’t just disappear. We store them in these proverbial “jars”, deep in our unconscious minds. Hidden but not forgotten.
For example, has anyone ever said something to you, and you reacted in a way that seemed… out of character? Maybe you had a strong or surprising reaction to a certain phrase or word they said, and you aren’t sure why?
Not knowing why you react strongly to something like this is one way to know that you might be reacting to something that happened to you in the past. Something you stored away in that “jar”. Certain words, experiences, phrases, or expressions can unconsciously remind us of things that happened in our past which haven’t been fully resolved or released. Now, they’re coming back up as a reminder that they’re still there, and that we need to deal with them.
T.I.M.E techniques allow us to disconnect the old negative emotions and give them new context and a new meaning in our story so we’re able to learn from them without allowing them to maintain their hold on us.
It allows you to react to what’s happening right now, in the present moment, instead of reacting to something that happened in the past. You’re freeing yourself enough to move forward and step into a healthier, happier, and higher version of yourself.
Because once you remove the old and negative experiences and figure out where those negative reactions were coming from, you will feel a deep sense of freedom. A feeling of confidence without restriction. You’ll be able to live your life to the fullest, with nothing holding you back. You’ll feel a sense of lightness, liberation, and ease which will spill over into every area of your life.
The Life-Changing Benefits of T.I.M.E Techniques
It wasn't until I experienced T.I.M.E. techniques that I became aware of some very deeply inset traumas from my childhood that needed to be brought to the surface, witnessed, and released.
The beautiful thing about T.I.M.E. techniques is that it allows you to be a witness to this experience without becoming re-traumatized. It keeps you above the experience and allows you to reprogram your subconscious so that you can move towards healing.
Things that happened in your past can be used in your journey to create who you want to be in the future. Because while not always pleasant, every experience can be a learning experience. Happy memories allow us to project positive feelings that we can apply to the hopes for a happy future. Unpleasant or negative experiences teach us valuable lessons that shape who we are.
You may finally find the answers to the questions:
How is this memory holding me back in my life?
What lessons were learned from it?
How did these lessons shape me?
How did I grow as a person?
What we have to do is get rid of the emotional baggage while still holding on to what we learned from those unpleasant experiences.
As a T.I.M.E technique practitioner, I can help you with this incredibly healing and expansive process. By working with me, we will create profound shifts in your subconscious mind that will allow you to feel lighter by letting go of heavy thoughts you have been carrying around but aren’t needed anymore.
These techniques are so powerful because they allow you to bring a mirror to your inner life so you can do the life-changing work which will allow you to be who you’re meant to be here in this world. None of the things outside of you can give you that true sense of lasting joy and inner peace. Only you can. We all hold our own peace, happiness, joy, contentment, and ease in our own hands.
Let me help you get there.
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