Why Women's Circles and Uniting in Sisterhood is Powerful and Important

Why Women's Circles and Uniting in Sisterhood is Powerful and Important

lifestyle Dec 20, 2022

There’s something really powerful about women gathering together.

It helps us feel a sense of true belonging. Like something that has been missing has now been found.

Like this is where you’re supposed to be.

We know we’re not simply our body weight, how we dress, who we date, or our careers. We know we’re not just who society tells us or expects us to be.

Because when we come together in Sisterhood it allows us to remove the glasses of competition and confusion and actually allow ourselves to see the sameness between ourselves and others.

We know that deep inside of us, is a radical and powerful force.

And when we come together to embrace our sisterhood — to share, be seen and heard, to heal our hurts, to grow and transform, and regain that power?

Well, nothing can stop us.

What is a Women’s Circle?

A women's circle is a gathering of women who come together to share, learn, heal, and simply enjoy being in each other’s company. It’s a place to open up, and to feel seen and heard. A space for you to explore your inner self and to remember the power of yourself and other women.

These days, a lot of our social events revolve around networking, work events, or playdates with our kids. We don’t always get a chance to talk about the things that live deep within us — crying out to be heard. This can leave with a deep sense of disconnection. In a setting where there is no sense of competition or hierarchy — like in a women’s circle — everyone is equal. In a circle, everyone has the same seat.

"We are more alike, my friends, than we are unalike.” - Maya Angelou

A women’s circle can be about support, healing, wellness, spirituality, or all of the above. You might talk about femininity, sexuality, nature, power, intuition, or whatever you’re called to in the safety of the circle. You’re free to be completely open and honest about your experiences.

This gives us an opportunity to talk about what’s really going on in our lives and in our hearts. To listen to other's stories and honor their experiences in return — without offering advice or opinions.

To truly connect.

A History of Women’s Circles and Ceremonies

Ann Landaas Smith, the founder of Circle Connections, says that humans have been gathering in a circle since basically — the beginning of time. “Circles with a sacred center are ancient, the oldest form of social interaction,” says Smith. “The fire was in the center as the people cooked and ate their food, heard stories, worshiped their gods and goddesses, and passed down the traditions and wisdom that kept them alive and healthy.”

Women’s only circles included Wiccans and Celtic Christian gatherings, the Jewish tradition of Rosh Chodesh, Red Tent, and moon cycle gatherings. These red tents — or ‘menstrual hut’ — and moon lodge gatherings date all the way back to 800 CE and are still practiced today in some areas.

These circles originated as a space for women and girls to come together to seek support, rest and reflect, explore their spirituality, and heal. They gathered to honor their bodies and empower themselves. In these circles, women came together to share resources and wisdom, medicine, traditions, recipes, spiritual lessons, and more.

But things took a turn in 1486 when the book Hammer of Witches was published. During this time, women leaders began to be persecuted — they were seen as a threat to the growing patriarchal culture. Accusations of witchcraft were aimed at women healers and spiritual teachers. Because of this, women's circles became less and less popular.

This oppression lasted for over 500 years and its effects were felt in every corner of the globe. These gatherings that once empowered women and gave them safe places to gather were now considered something to be ashamed of or taboo.

It wasn't until the 1950s that women began to gather again at last. From sewing groups to Tupperware parties. Women were called to come together in a circle once again — but not quite in the way we once did.

The gathering of women has the power to create tremendous shifts in society and our collective consciousness. There is still work to be done, and those that have come before us have paved the path we can follow. To create a space where we’re allowed and encouraged to grow, shift, and transform into our powerful selves.

Craving a New Path: Circling Back to Yourself

Women face emotional and psychological challenges every single day in their personal, professional, and romantic lives. Society tells us we’re too much, or not enough. We feel guilty when we take time for ourselves. We’re constantly being told what’s wrong with the way we look, we’re told we need to get married or have children to be “whole”. To keep quiet and be agreeable.

We’ve become frustrated with the advice or input we’ve gotten from other people who haven't lived the same experiences as us.

Maybe you’re also tired of the current state of your life.

Maybe you're also tired of trying to walk this path alone.

Maybe you also desire deep fundamental support and understanding of how it feels to walk this path as a woman.

Maybe what you really crave is:

  • A loving and open space to talk about the real and hard stuff in your life without being judged, criticized, or rejected.
  • To begin the healing work that will create a deep transformation in your life.
  • To reclaim the power and energy that is rightfully yours so you can use it to better your life and the lives of those around you.
  • To learn how to become better parents, better friends, and better partners. To be more for yourself.
  • To create an awareness around your patterns and behaviors in a space where other people understand you — because they’ve experienced it themselves.

You’re ready to let go of old stories and create something beautiful and new. To choose a new narrative. To forge your own path, not the conventional one society has laid before you.

This is what a women’s circle can offer and create for us.

Coming Together in a Circle: The Healing Power of Women

Women’s circles create a space for vulnerability, which allows you to release what is no longer serving you. To de-layer, and re-pattern. To hold space for others and for ourselves to share our experiences honestly and openly. To feel seen, heard, and held by our sisters and allow us to show up in return for them.

They allow you to get to know yourself better. As you share parts of yourself with other women, you uncover parts of yourself you’ve been hiding or discover new and exciting parts of yourself you didn’t even know existed — outside of what society told you you should be. And you’re given the opportunity to support others in rediscovering their beauty and vitality.

The power of knowing there are people to lean on and relate to during this process can feel incredibly empowering. This can make our daily struggles seem easier and more manageable.

These circles and gatherings allow us as women to live our lives at the fullest and most authentic level. To fully experience the magic that happens when women come together. We get the nourishment, strength, and support to embody the love and power we are as women.

To have the courage to be our wild and true selves.

As Rebecca Campbell writes in ‘Rise Sister Rise’, “We are experiencing a global shift which mystics through the ages have predicted: the return of the Mother and the rise of the sacred feminine — so Rise for you, rise for me, when you rise first you rise for She.”.

And we know that alone we are strong, but together we are fierce.

If you’d like to create more love, connection, and healing in your life — send me a message at [email protected] or book a complimentary clarity call with me here. I’ve got something really special I’ve been waiting to share with you.

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